Vitamin D:
The Essential Nutrient
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Decline In Overall Health & Wellness
A recent study published by the American Medical Association found that older individuals with reduced Vitamin D levels are at a greater risk of cognitive function decline. In fact, the team found that subjects who were severely deficient were 60% more likely to experience significant cognitive decline compared with those with sufficient levels.
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient and a precursor hormone that plays an important role in many biochemical functions: bone renewal, cell growth, blood cell formation, hormone balance, and glucose metabolism. It enters our bodies through exposure to sunlight, diet, and nutritional supplementation. However, very few diets provide enough Vitamin D to sustain optimal levels. In addition, the amount of sun exposure the average person receives has decreased drastically due to “modern” lifestyles and skin cancer concerns.
While there are many factors that affect the level of vitamin D in the blood, most relate to synthesis of vitamin D3. Location, time of day, season, skin pigmentation, use of sunscreen, age and dietary intake all play an important role in the circulating level of vitamin D.
Location, for example can dramatically affect the production of vitamin D3 in the skin. Researchers have found that individuals living in higher latitudes, such as Boston, Massachusetts produce little or no vitamin D from November to February, while farther north in Edmonton, Canada, this period is extended from October to March.
To maintain minimal levels of vitamin D during these months, reserves of vitamin D produced in the summer and stored in the fat cells become liberated from their reservoirs. However, researchers in Canada have recently shown that during winter months at least 34% of the northern population are vitamin D deficient despite the reserves and require supplementation.
Reducing the skin’s UVB exposure via sunscreen or clothing can cause similar vitamin insufficiencies since they retard the skin’s ability to absorb radiation. According to a study of veiled women in Turkey, for example, out of 51 women examined (ages 14 to 63), 82% were found to be severely vitamin D deficient, while another 8% were moderately deficient.
In addition, about half of the deficient women complained of muscle pain, weakness or fatigue-symptoms consistent with profound vitamin deficiency. These results confirm that reduced exposure to sunlight compromises the endogenous levels of vitamin D.
Deficient Vitamin D Levels Have Been Linked To A Growing List of Health Concerns:
- Cognitive Function
- Depression
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Osteoporosis
- Hormone Balance
- Immune Function
- Insulin Resistance
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Weight Loss / Obesity
Age is another important factor in maintaining optimal Vitamin D levels. With age, we lose some of our ability to synthesize and absorb Vitamin D: our skin thins and the amount of Vitamin D precursor decreases as well. The importance of maintaining adequate levels of Vitamin D as we age to prevent disease and illness has become the topic of an increasing number of research studies. The reason: the ability to prevent Vitamin D deficiency is possible by taking a nutritional supplement!
While Vitamin D supplementation has overwhelming benefits backed by research, it is important to talk to your healthcare practitioner or a pharmacist to discuss what Vitamin D supplement and dosage strength you should take. There is some debate over the optimal Vitamin D dosage; however, there are safe guidelines and blood tests to determine the optimal dose for each individual.
Nutritional supplements can interact with medications and certain physical conditions. Make sure to talk to your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist prior to incorporating any new supplements into your diet.
For additional information about Vitamin D or to speak to a pharmacist about incorporating supplements into your diet, contact College Pharmacy directly, we look forward to answering your questions.
Vitamin D Resources
A simple internet search will provide an overwhelming amount of information on Vitamin D, the role of Vitamin D, and various supplement protocols. We’ve simplified the process by providing a collection of Vitamin D resources that our customers have found of interest.
Vitamin D Resources
- Vitamin D Council Website: With the goal to educate the public and professionals about Vitamin D Deficiency and its numerous associated diseases, this website offers a very comprehensive selection of resources as well as a FREE Vitamin D Newsletter. (Click Here To Visit Website)
- College Pharmacy Vitamin D Research Abstract Collection: We created this collection of Vitamin D Research Abstracts to help simplify the process of understanding the role of Vitamin D. (Click Here To Download PDF Document)
- National Institutes of Health Vitamin D Supplement Page: A straight-forward look at the role of Vitamin D. (Click Here)
Not All Supplements Are Created Equal
Quality is key! Not all supplements are created equal. Many supplements found at local drugstores or supermarkets contain small amounts of active ingredients, or unneeded fillers and preservatives. Buy quality supplements for the maximum benefit.
In 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.” However, his foods weren’t grown in nutrient depleted soil, he didn’t eat processed foods with food additives, he didn’t take antibiotics and prescription drugs with side-effects and nutrient depletion properties. Simply put: his food was better than our food.
Today’s reality is that nutritional supplements are a needed addition to our daily lives to ensure that we function properly on a cellular level. With literally thousands of supplement products available, consumers are faced with the confusing task of selecting a daily supplement regimen that is friendly on the pocket book and provides much needed nutrient support.
Vitamin D Supplement Brand Suggestions
Working with leaders in the pharmaceutical-grade supplement industry, College Pharmacy created a budget-friendly line of nutritional supplements that are produced at the highest standards under Good Manufacturing Procedures (GMP). In addition, we stock a comprehensive selection of pharmaceutical-grade supplement brands that are not readily available elsewhere. Click here to visit College Pharmacy’s Online Nutritional Supplement Center.
- College Pharmacy Brand 1,000iu Vitamin D3 Capsules
- College Pharmacy Brand 5,000iu D3 Capsules
- Metagenics D3 1000
- Metagenics D3 5000

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