Andropause FAQ
What is andropause or male menopause?
Similar to menopause in women, andropause arrives in a man’s life when there is a drastic drop in hormone levels. When levels of testosterone fall, the condition is called hypogonadism (hypo=low, gonad=testis). Although total testosterone may not drop drastically, free testosterone, or the active form of testosterone, drops significantly with age.
What are some of the symptoms of andropause?
Symptoms may include:
- Fatigue
- Lack of sex drive
- Depression
- Aches and pains
- Decreased strength and endurance
- Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection
- Hot flashes
- Osteoporosis
- Obesity
- Erectile dysfunction
- Muscle loss
What can I do?
Hormone replacement therapy may help reverse some of the negative effects of low testosterone. Biologically identical testosterone is the same molecular structure and might produce the same effects as the free form of testosterone produced by the testes.
What are biologically identical hormones?
Biologically identical testosterone is derived from yams. It has the same molecular structure and may help produce the same effects as the free form of testosterone produced by the testes.
Are there any side effects?
Before testosterone replacement is initiated, your healthcare practitioner should order a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) test, and Estradiol level test. All drugs taken in non-physiological doses have the potential to present adverse side effects. Talk to your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist for more information.
How are biologically-identical hormones administered?
Biologically identical testosterone therapies include injections, topical gels, sublingual tablets (dissolved under the tongue), and pellets. Injections are usually administered every two weeks. Topical gels are applied once per day and sublingual tablets are taken twice per day. Pellets are inserted by the doctor and release a steady amount of testosterone over three to six months.
How do I find a doctor who will prescribe biologically-identical hormones?
We will be happy to provide you with a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner referral and answer any questions you may have. You can contact College Pharmacy directly to request a healthcare practitioner referral or schedule a hormone consult.
Contact College Pharmacy For Hormone Consultation Information (Click Here)
Contact College Pharmacy For a Healthcare Practitioner Referral (Click Here)

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